

organic Barnyard Millet (Kudirewali) farming 


Barnyard millet is a drought-tolerant crop and hence it is grown as a rainfed crop. It can be grown successfully in partially waterlogged conditions. It is grown up to a height of 2,000 meters above sea level. A warm and moderately humid climate is good for growing "Barnyard Millet". It is a hardy crop and is able to withstand adverse weather conditions better than other cereals.

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Soil preparation

 "Barnyard Millet" is generally cultivated in soils of marginal fertility. It can be grown partially in water. This crop gives the best yield on sandy loam to loamy soil having an adequate amount of organic matter. Soil with low fertility and rocky soil are not suitable for growing the crop.

organic Barnyard Millet field preparation

The field has to be prepared before sowing the crop. For the preparation of the field, two plows with local plows or harrowing is sufficient. Sowing of this crop is done only with the arrival of monsoon. If you have an irrigation facility, sowing can also be done by plowing.

organic Barnyard Millet seeds and sowing

Sowing of barnyard millet can be done with the monsoon rains in the first fortnight of July. The seeds are scattered or drilled in 3-4 cm deep furrows at the rate of 8-10 kg per hectare. It is always better to sow it in rows at a distance of 25 cm. In flood-affected areas, it is sown by broadcast method with the first showers of rainfall.

organic Barnyard Millet Manure and Fertilizer

Compost or cow dung should be given at the rate of 5 to 10 tonnes per hectare. Apply it in the field at the rate of 40 kg nitrogen, 30 kg P2O5, and 50 kg K2O per hectare. All the fertilizer should be mixed in the soil at the time of sowing. If an irrigation facility is available, half the quantity of nitrogen should be top-dressed in the standing crop 25-30 days after sowing.

organic Barnyard Millet water management

Normally rainfed millet does not require any irrigation. However, if dry spells last for a longer period, then an irrigation panicle may be necessary.

organic Barnyard Millet weed control

The field should be kept weed-free for 25-30 days after sowing. Two weedings are sufficient to control weeds in millet fields. Sowing and weeding of crops sown in lines can be done by hand or wheel.

organic Barnyard Millet Disease

Downy mildew: It is caused by a fungus. Sometimes it can cause serious damage to crop plants. Initially, light yellow stripes appear on the leaves which turn white with time. Later the leaves start drying and in case of severe infection, the ears turn brown. Remove and destroy infected plants to prevent the spread of the disease. To prevent diseases, use only seeds of healthy plants.

Smut: This is also caused by fungus. Affected panicles are filled with black bodies instead of grains. This is a seed-borne disease and the seeds are treated with Agrosan GN. Can be controlled by treating with Ceresan at the rate of 2.5 grams per kg. The disease can also be controlled by seed hot water treatment (soaking the seeds in hot water for 7-12 minutes at 55oC).

Rust: It is caused by a fungus. Black spots appear in lines on the leaves. This reduces the grain yield significantly. 2 kg of Dithane M-45. Its spread can be prevented by spraying it by mixing it in 1000 liters of water per hectare..

organic Barnyard Millet harvesting and threshing

The crop should be harvested when it is ripe. It is harvested at ground level with the help of a sickle and left in heaps in the field for about a week before threshing.

organic Barnyard Millet Yield

The average yield of "Barnyard Millet" grains is 400 to 600 kg per hectare and that of fodder or straw is about 1200 kg per hectare. With the improved package of practices, it is possible to obtain a crop of 10-12 quintals of grain per hectare.


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