
Types-of-organic-farming लेबल वाली पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं


  Three Types of Organic Farming 1. Pure organic farming 2 . Integrated farming 3. Integrated farming system Pure organic farming It avoids all unnatural chemicals It uses organic manures and biopesticides Integrated farming It cultivates the land and raises crops It keeps soil alive   Integrated farming system It increases productivity through increased economic yield unit area per time by virtue of intensification of crop and allied enterprises It Improves profitability achieved mainly by way of reduced costs due to recycling of wastes of one enterprise as energy inputs for other systems. It provides an opportunity for the growth of agri-oriented industries Objectives of organic farming It produces food with high-nutrition quality It maintains and increases soil fertility It allows satisfaction to Agricultural producer It uses renewable resources as possible It work with Natural system